
Women, Parents & Kids Services

Individual Coaching, Programs & Workshops


Individual Coaching

Work towards your life goals with individual coaching sessions tailored to your specific needs.

Tween Talk Program

A program aimed at young people, aged 8-12, enabling them with resources and life skills to empower and motivate.


Positive Parenting Program

A coaching program for parents enabling families to build beautiful relationships by adopting a strength-based approach.

Wise Women Workshops

A series of 9 workshops aimed at empowering women with inspiration and awareness that brings about action and change towards living their dream life.


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"Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at change"

Dr Wayne Dyer


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Individual Coaching

Work towards your life goals with individual coaching sessions tailored to your specific needs.

What is coaching? Everyone can benefit from coaching and clients range from 7 to 70 years old. Coaching is a collaborative process in which the client is inspired to create their best life through exploring what is going on for them, how they would prefer for things to be and then exploring their realities of the situation and them arriving at options and possibilities to achieve their goal in moving forward.

An initial 30 min consultation is OBLIGATION FREE.

Sessions thereafter are delivered in a 6 session package at $2500.00.

Sessions run for 60 to 90 minutes weekly or fortnightly.

Some of the challenges that we can work through include:

  • Discovering Your Big Picture

  • Managing Anxiety and Stress

  • Creating Life Balance

  • Identifying and Living Within Your Values

  • Overcoming Self-sabotaging Behaviours

  • Improving Your Relationships

  • Realising Your Purpose and Potential

  • Building Your Self Confidence

  • Effecting Change Towards Goals

  • Empowering Self Talk

  • Time Management & Procrastination

  • Building an aligned business


Packages are available and are discounted on a sliding scale​.​


​You can continue to sit on the fence, feeling average, or you can take a refreshing plunge into a new and inspired you, by simply contacting me now. It costs nothing to have a free conversation so satisfy your curiosity and call.


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Tween Talk Program

Aimed at young people in Year 4 to Year 6 (aged 8-12), the "between" years, better known as the 'tween years.From shyness to independence, from baby fat to puberty, this can be a wildly exciting and tumultuous time of life for you and your 'tween. With the advance of technology, 10 is the new 15!

Welcome to Tween Talk!

Our club runs two gender specific groups that focuses on young people as they become young men and women and enables them with resources and life skills to empower them to feel strong, healthy, motivated and to harness grit as they face life's challenges. Tween Talk! encourages tweens to manage their lives, on their own terms, by teaching mindfulness and self awareness of how their choices and actions have consequences and effect their happiness and those around them. Our tweens are growing up in challenging times with social media and technology dominating their world. Our club encourages young people to connect without judgement, comparison or pressure, and to form friendships that are encouraging and supportive.

Investment is $240 per term.

Sessions are 1.5 hours long and run weekly over a term of 8 weeks.

Sessions are from 5:30 – 7:00pm and the sessions address total wellness – mind, body and spirit.

Sessions include creativity, movement, discussion, relaxation and most importantly fun, we cover the following:

  • The power of gratitude and affirmations

  • Body Image, deportment and self care

  • Social media management

  • Discovering strengths and harnessing them

  • Self talk and calming the inner critic

  • Relationship standards, boundaries and respectful relationships

  • Health and nutrition and why it matters

  • How our vibe attracts our tribe


To lead a balanced life, we need to consider all the essential elements: mind, body and spirit. These sessions will show your son or daughter how to consider these on their terms, make empowered choices and they can proudly announce "It's MY Life"!


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Positive Parenting Program

A coaching program for parents enabling families to build beautiful relationships by adopting a strength-based approach.

We are passionate about enabling families to build beautiful relationships by adopting a strength-based approach. We only know what we know and most of us parent in a similar way to our own parents. Our negativity bias means that for most parents, we look for what’s wrong in our children before we look for what’s right. Society is a very different beast with the ever-changing advance of technology leading to more disconnect and our children being exposed to more than we were, at the same age. The stats are shocking – age 14 is the start of anxiety and 25% of youth suffer from mental health issues. Change begins in the household.

As parents, we lead by example and a parent’s primary responsibility is to role model for their children. When we become aware of our own behaviours and motivations, then we can guide our children into stepping into their potential and best version.

Couples register together for $290 and work through the program, as a supported team.

Includes access to an online program.

Includes x3 face-to-face workshop sessions with a licensed strength-based facilitator.


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Wise Women Workshops

A series of 9 workshops aimed at empowering women with inspiration and awareness that brings about action and change towards living their dream life.

from surviving to thriving!


Do you ever feel the following?​

  • Do you strive for nothing less than excellence in all that you do?

  • Do you have the multi-tasking skills of a corporate PA, without the time management efficiency?

  • Do you wish for Santa to gift you with more hours in your day?

  • Do you fall into bed shattered at the end of the day, feeling like you achieved little and wondering where you will find the energy to get through tomorrow?

  • Do you suffer from overwhelm, anxiety, or a lack of direction or motivation?

  • Do you have the first world problem: I have everything and yet I feel unfulfilled?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, then you are in the right place.​​​

Instead, imagine feeling...​

  • That each day is a success

  • You are not on the treadmill of life but are rather blazing your own trail

  • You have the time to nurture your own needs

  • You accomplish the goals that you set for yourself

  • You feel an inner peace and happiness.

Find more time for yourself and do more of what you love and less of what you hate.​ Gift yourself the time and you will realise that you ARE worthy of investing in yourself because a BETTER YOU makes a BETTER mum, BETTER partner, BETTER daughter, BETTER sister and BETTER friend.


Sessions are 2 hours and $49 each, or

$160 for 4 sessions ($40 each) used within a 6 month period

Workshops are varied in content and structured to focus on particular areas, read on for the 9 tailored workshops…


Life Balance & Goal Setting

Learn the 5 principals of personal success and replace “wishing for a dream” with actually “achieving a dream”. To achieve life balance, we need to consider all areas of our “wheel”. Use this opportunity to assess your life, as a whole, and set your goals for each area. Reset achievable goals and look forward to the months ahead with a clear, action plan.

Join us for a workshop that you can look back on, in November, and measure your success by. This is your chance to focus and strive for what you really want from this year because when you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

See the calendar below for current workshop dates.

Building Resilience & Smashing Anxiety

Anxiety is a real “buzz” word these days although it’s hardly surprising with social media feeding our insecurities and lack of confidence. Learn what anxiety is and what your triggers are by developing your resilience muscle and learning to cope in all situations. Self awareness is key in managing our limiting beliefs and thoughts and turning them into empowering and self serving strengths.

Join us for a workshop in self awareness and learning to be more gentle and loving towards yourself.

See the calendar below for current workshop dates.

Positive Parenting

So often as parents, we highlight our children’s weaknesses and not their strengths. We simply model how we were raised. However, there is a different approach that causes less stress and anger for us and them. By adopting a new perspective, you can build your children’s resilience, optimism and achievement as well as enhance their self-esteem and energy. A small shift can yield enormous results.

Join us for a workshop, not to be missed! This one is a win / win for parents and kids. Simplicity is key to making profound change!

See the calendar below for current workshop dates.


Finding My Life’s Purpose

It is only when we know, with unwavering certainty, what our purpose is for this life that we can execute everything with clarity, motivation and determination. Your purpose is usually found where your strengths lie – what do you do well, that’s effortless? It’s key to finding your purpose. Knowing your “Why” helps you to focus on and achieve your goals.

Join us for a workshop that will bring you closer to finding your “Why” – why you get up in the morning, why you want to achieve what you do, why you are motivated beyond all obstacles.

See the calendar below for current workshop dates.

Empowering My Self Talk

An area that can never be over-explored. We are constantly changing – whether we know it or not. With change, come shifts in our mindset and the way in which we speak to ourselves everyday! How you spoke to yourself as a child, with the world as your oyster, to how you talk to yourself now – an adult with perhaps children, partner, responsibilities etc is very different. However, where we were once encouraging of ourselves do you now live with a voice that ridicules, admonishes, shames or makes us fearful? The best way to change that, is to acknowledge and face it.

Join us for a workshop that is a definite MUST!!! Gift yourself with the power for change. Avoiding this workshop, with excuses, is EXACTLY why your inner voice needs to be addressed. This is a gentle workshop that brings about as much awareness as you are ready to face.

See the calendar below for current workshop dates.

Thrive Through Vibe and Tribe

Are you aware that you are the product of the 5 people that you hang out with most? In this workshop we will assess whether you are being served by your surrounding influences or if you are holding yourself back due to expectations, loyalty, habit etc Your vibe is also your choice so whatever energy you feel each day can either lift you up or keep you feeling low. Learn strategies to bring more positive energy into your days so that happiness is accessible anytime.

Join us for a workshop that will help you to become aware of your own energy as well as that of your influences. See how you can shift towards or away from what is / isn’t serving you to create more positivity in your life.

See the calendar below for current workshop dates.


Values To Live By

Have you ever stopped to really consider your core values – what you will not compromise on and you choose to define yourself by? Often, our values are not even our own – they are what we have learnt from our parents, society, relationships and social groups. When we are not living a life that is in alignment with our own true values, we lack direction and engage in self-sabotaging behaviour. Major life changes are also more difficult to navigate.

Join us for a workshop that will bring you closer to understanding your own values and an awareness of how you are living your life – on your own terms or everyone else’s?

See the calendar below for current workshop dates.

Holistic Wellbeing: Mind, Body, Spirit

Are you aware that your health and body are a reflection of your emotional and spiritual states? The three need to work together for holistic wellbeing. Paying attention to one area and neglecting another will not lead to a sustainable improvement. Most things work in three’s … are you aware that you even have three brains – your head brain, your gut brain and your heart brain? Also, the strongest shape in nature is a triangle.

Join us for a workshop that will bring you awareness like never before. Having an open and willing mind and undertaking holistic wellbeing allows you to live life completely and fully.

See the calendar below for current workshop dates.

Celebrating 2019 Success

Our final workshop for the year! Before moving into the start of a new and exciting year ahead, we will reflect on the achievements of the current year and celebrate your success ... Join us for a workshop that will be uplifting and fun and inspire you to shoot for the stars next year while having gratitude for all that this year brought into your life.

Bring a plate to share as we celebrate the year that was.

See the calendar below for current workshop dates.